SMARTer coaching for
people who aim high
Welcome to an exciting new chapter!
Hi, I’m Carolina, The High Performance Executive Coach. I am an expert at coaching high-achieving people and ambitious leaders to unlock their creative minds, maximise their potential, create incredible change and achieve meaningful goals in all areas of their professional and private lives.
I am an experienced Leadership Coach, Business Mentor, Career advisor, Psychotherapist, Entrepreneur, and award-winning Author. I have twenty five years’ experience in coaching high performing leaders.
It is my privilege to coach incredible men and women of all ages: Leaders in their field, successful Entrepreneurs, Million dollar real estate owners, CEOs, C-Suite, Founders, Barristers, Lawyers, Investment bankers, Surgeons, Psychiatrists, Doctors, Celebrities, Actors, Choreographers, Film Directors, Fashion Stylists, Sportsmen, Coaches, Creatives, Designers, Marketeers, talented young people, and high-performing professionals.
My clients are ambitious, powerful visionaries. They are high performers who are successful or aspire to lead successful, meaningful lives. They TAKE ACTION and CREATE. They love growth, accomplishment, fun, adventure, variety and freedom. They are highly curious and excited about life; they are open-minded, determined, passionate about what they do and love having fun. Many work internationally. Being successful, happy and leading extraordinary lives are major priorities.

Benefits of working with me
Inspiration. Creation. Transformation.
If you are ambitious and aim high in all areas of your life, I am the coach for you. I identify and get to the root of the problem very quickly. From the minute we start working together, you will begin to TAKE ACTION and CREATE the exciting life, business, and career you want.
The power of the work I do is evident from the offset. I am experienced, structured, flexible and action-oriented. I bring huge value to my clients. I help you build a strong foundation from which you will realise your visions and achieve your goals.
I get incredible results.
I transform people’s lives.
I help you create powerfully and live purposefully.
Transformational coaching is at the cutting edge of coaching. My coaching not only seeks to achieve business performance-related and life-related goals, through transformational coaching and positive psychology, we also explore the deeper, more meaningful reasons behind any presenting patterns, challenges and aspirations you have.
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Little did I know when I googled ‘High Performance Coach’ and clicked on to Carolina’s website I was about to make the biggest and best change of my life. I was about to get divorced, I was stuck in a rut, I was very stressed in my career, and I wasn’t taking care of myself. Three months later, my world could not seem a more different place. I feel completely empowered again. I have regained my confidence, I am no longer stressed in my high pressured job, in fact, I am loving my career again. I have more energy, I work out twice a week and my personal life is so much happier. Thank you Carolina!
Carolina’s obvious expertise in the field of professional and personal development coupled with her compassionate nature provides a powerful vehicle in effecting change. An aimless, drifting, fragile mindset has thankfully been replaced by a specific, strategic plan of action which I can’t wait to attack and which I know will benefit those around me even more than it will me personally. Carolina is a true enemy of mediocrity, and her wisdom and guidance will help ensure I am too.
Carolina coached me through the start up of my company. She is wise and experienced. I cannot speak highly enough about her. My confidence soared through the roof from the very first coaching session I had with her. She has empowered me to get my business off the ground within months of having my first idea. You are a star Carolina. Thank you!
Carolina is a beautiful coach to work with, not only is she a great listener, warm and generous with her time, she also helps you assert yourself and take daily action in order to complete your goals. I was in a very stuck position when I met Carolina but now am most definitely unstuck and taking on the whole world! She helped me reveal my creativity and also discover that able to be successful in all areas of my life. Carolina helped me so much. We focused on myself gaining clarity around my work and creativity. Carolina helped me find clarity, she asked me incredible questions which opened areas up for me. Carolina helped me reveal the truth in my soul and establish what I really want to do. I truly feel there has been a profound change in me on the inside, where I now feel that I deserve to be creatively happy and start taking action based on that. I am so grateful for Carolina and her weekly tasks, her listening ear and her conviction in helping stay on the right track for my life. Thank you Carolina you are a gift to me and you will be to many others too!
When I started coaching with Carolina, I was at an all time low in my career. I was worried that I was too old to change careers, with family and financial responsibilities and two kids at university. She helped me find my passion again. I have now changed my career, and I am doing a job I love. In fact, it is my dream job. You are a big inspiration Carolina!
Working with Carolina has been incredible. She is a wise and experienced coach. I felt different emotions- some of them new, some of them uncomfortable, all of them with positive outcomes. I am feeling so much better about myself and my commitment and capacity to change. Within 4 months, the relationship with my wife has completely turned around for the better. We have begun a new life together and a new career direction for me that fits in around our family life. I now feel like my life has turned a corner into a new place where a brighter future is happening.
I found Carolina’s coaching to be just what I needed at a very challenging time; I could not recommend her highly enough! I struggled to complete my Master’s, whilst maintaining a high-profile career, family, and everything else! I found Carolina’s knowledge, acceptance, her encouragement, positive attitude and pragmatic approach to be just what I needed. Carolina helped me to regain and maintain my focus, at what had become a very stressful time. This meant I could continue to move forward with the task at hand. Her constant enthusiasm and belief in me were key to me recovering the confidence that I could do it! Thanks Carolina, you are an inspiration!
I came to Carolina for coaching and mentoring for a book I wanted to write. I had been trying to get it off the ground for the last four years. Her energy and compassion is contagious, and I am nearing completion of my first draft. I cannot thank you enough!
Carolina coached and mentored me through my Masters in Archaeology. I got a distinction! A very tall order, as I hadn’t even started my final thesis and had only four months to do it in. Carolina had been recommended to me by a friend, and I really didn’t think it was possible to achieve what I did in such a short amount of time. It was hard work, but Carolina motivated me in ways I didn’t think were possible. I came to her with low self-belief and ended on an all time high. I can’t tell you how grateful I am.
I wasn’t sure about life coaching initially, but I was at a point of indecision and stress in my life and thought it would be worth the experiment to chat to Carolina. I was initially nervous and felt like I rambled on a bit too much but Carolina was a fantastic listener, with a great ability to guide me and bring me back gently to the subject under discussion. She is very warm-hearted and very encouraging throughout the sessions. The structure was good and we set the pace together. The exercises we worked on were well thought out and really helped me dig even deeper. She helped me uncover some hidden truths that altered the way I saw my situation – I was struggling with indecision and some angst about quitting a job and starting a new life. I gained a lot of clarity from the sessions and even now, some months on I am finding that the meaningful talks we had keep bubbling up and presenting themselves for my consideration. Thanks Carolina!
I felt a real affinity with Carolina from the first time we talked. I was confident to work with her as I felt she would very much understand my background, lifestyle and challenges. I found her very professional and supportive. My sessions with Carolina really helped me to become clear on what on what I wanted and needed at this time. I was also able to bring a variety of topics and experiences as they occurred in my life and resolve or better understand them, so that I could move on with the coaching related objectives.
With Carolina you’ll be heard with empathy, supported and if you want (as I did) to be kept on track and held accountable. I am now exactly where I am supposed to be and I am very grateful for Carolina’s support in getting here. I have really enjoyed the experience and I would recommend her without hesitation.
Working with Carolina has been a really rewarding and transformative process. Her beautiful, loving fun personality really helped me feel at ease in our coaching sessions. She has a deep understanding of her work and has gently guided me through some tough business decisions and some extremely frightening, emotional family problems. Carolina is extremely empathic and real joy to work with. I feel I can tell her anything and very proud to call her my coach.
From the very first moment I spoke to Carolina, I knew she was the woman to coach me through honing our organisation’s values and goals. From a personal perspective, I wanted to improve my work-life balance. Carolina is a careful listener, she is extremely knowledgeable in both business and life and provides a confidential environment to express my ideas and concerns. Her confidence in me has enabled me to achieve the work-life balance I knew I needed to address for many years. Since our coaching, I am infinitely happier and now perform at a much higher and more efficient level in all areas of my life. Thanks so much Carolina!
I appreciated Carolina’s professionalism from the very first moment I met her in London. I found her to be a really supportive and soothing person. Our coaching sessions enabled me to get to know myself much, much better, and now I feel I have the power to reach my highest goals. My levels of motivation have improved tremendously, and I am much more resilient now. The concept of taking baby steps worked really well for me. I learned to be gentler and kinder with myself. I loved that every problem I brought to the sessions, we found the best way to reach the right solution for me. I absolutely loved our coaching sessions.
Thank you so much, Carolina, for all you did for me as a coach. For seeing me as a human first, and then a client. Our sessions held so much from transactional steps to transformational awareness. I feel grateful for having had you in my corner to support me and offer me compassion and encouragement at the same time. Bless you! You are amazing!
Carolina is extremely professional and an excellent listener whose organisation and attention to detail are in themselves motivating. Her leadership experience and knowledge of multiple professions adds to the depth and sensitivity of her coaching.
Carolina’s talents as a coach are broad. Through our sessions I have found more awareness. I learnt to get to the root of certain anxieties and am on a path to greater accomplishment. Carolina is exceptionally empathetic and intuitive. I looked forward to every session.
Before coaching with Carolina, my main difficulty was understanding what I wanted both professionally and personally and how to focus. Carolina helped me to evaluate and address areas in my life I didn’t realise I was either unhappy with or happier than I thought. I used this to make a clear set of goals and plans to help me achieve this. Our coaching conversations really helped me address what was missing at home and ended up with a great family adventure and understanding what would help me to improve on areas I felt I was lacking or missing out on. I really enjoyed the personal sessions with Carolina and the sense of empathy and challenging my way of thinking – and pushing me to understand the reasoning behind things. I was often surprised by my own answers! After working with Carolina, I feel much clearer on my career vision and more able to understand how to evaluate and ensure I have an achievable and measurable vision.
I initially contacted Carolina because I needed help with energy management. Very quickly we were working across my entire life, looking from the highest visions to the smallest details. She has developed a rigorous weekly system that has both intensity and support. By the end of our sessions, I am in a completely different situation, filled with deeply intuitive clarity, surrounded by positive contacts, having developed a strong portfolio. I have numerous interesting projects on the go. My energy is under control, and I have never enjoyed life to this extent. Perhaps most crucially of all, the main work has been to build a long-term future. The work we did was not just short-term coaching and tweaking; it’s been to integrate a set of easily manageable systems, visions and principles that will generate a completely different future. All the work we did is here for me to review, should I need it. Highly recommended.
If you are interested in us working together, telephone me or email me to book a confidential consultation to establish what you want to achieve and how I can help you. I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Telephone: +44 (0)7970 717119
Skype: carolinafrohlich
Zoom: Carolina Frohlich
Hours: Mon – Fri: 8AM – 6PM.